Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony
Force of Nature
Birdsong. Flowing rivers. Summer storms. In his Pastoral Symphony, Beethoven has us stop and smell the roses.
This concert will conclude at approximately 9.45pm on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday evenings.
There will be no pre-concert talk prior to this performance commencing.
Behind every great piece is a great story. Have a read through the program book to get all the details.
Remarkable to think this, his Sixth Symphony, was composed at the same time as his fire and brimstone Fifth Symphony, the work’s lush sense of nature invites you to enjoy the country after too long in the city.
When Danish composer Carl Nielsen heard the players of the Copenhagen Wind Quintet in performance he was so impressed he decided to write a concerto for each of them, starting with his Flute Concerto. Virtuosic and bold, yet tender and heartfelt, this music takes as many twists and turns as Beethoven’s Symphony on its way to a happy conclusion.
German conductor Johannes Fritzsch is no stranger to Beethoven and brings his superb interpretative skills to this performance with our Principal Flute, Joshua Batty as soloist.
Concert Update: 22 March 2021
Donald Runnicles, who was to conduct this concert, is no longer able to come to Australia. We are excited to announce his replacement as German-born Australia-based conductor Johannes Fritzsch. Joshua Batty will now perform Nielsen’s Flute Concerto, replacing Bernstein’s Ḥalil.
JULIAN YU Fanfaresso*
BEETHOVEN Egmont Overture
NIELSEN Flute Concerto
BEETHOVEN Symphony No.6, Pastoral
*Julian Yu's Fanfaresso was made possible through the Sydney Symphony Orchestra's 50 Fanfares Project and was commissioned by the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, supported by the Neilson Foundation.
The Sydney Symphony will continue to apply NSW Public Health Orders as they relate to ticketing and seating arrangements. As these Orders can change at very short notice, we will be allocating seats closer in time to concert dates than we have in previous seasons. This will allow us to maintain a COVID-19 safe environment.