Haydn: Seven Last Words
Spiritual Connections
A church interior draped in black cloth. One lantern lighting up the dark. A bishop giving a sermon on each of Christ’s last words on the cross. This was the unusual Easter tradition for which the Holy Cave Oratory in Spain asked Haydn to compose music – commissioning seven pieces to reflect each last ‘word’ of Jesus.
This concert will conclude at approximately 12.30pm on Friday.
There will be no pre-concert talk prior to this performance commencing.
Behind every great piece is a great story. Have a read through the program book to get all the details.
With the technical skill involved, Haydn was at his most daring – and at his most dramatic.
"Each movement," he declared, will move listeners, "to the very depths of [their] soul." Each of the last ‘words’ will be read by our Principal Trombone, Ron Prussing, before each movement, giving context to the extraordinary music that follows. As such a powerful expression of loss and sacrifice, we defy you not to feel something – no matter what your beliefs.
HAYDN Seven Last Words of Jesus on the Cross
ANDREW HAVERON director and violin
The Sydney Symphony will continue to apply NSW Public Health Orders as they relate to ticketing and seating arrangements. As these Orders can change at very short notice, we will be allocating seats closer in time to concert dates than we have in previous seasons. This will allow us to maintain a COVID-19 safe environment.