Sibelius Symphony No.2
A Window to the Soul
Simple but sublime, Max Richter’s minimalist style makes him one of the most popular composers alive today. On the 'Nature of Daylight' is a strikingly beautiful piece, cinematic enough to be used in films such as 'Shutter Island' and 'Arrival'.
This concert will conclude at approximately 8.15pm on Thursday.
There will be no pre-concert talk prior to this performance commencing.
Behind every great piece is a great story. Have a read through the program book to get all the details.
Composed during a winter spent in Italy, Sibelius’ Second Symphony is another meditative work from the enigmatic Finnish composer.
Quiet and simple to begin with, it melts into some of his warmest music before rising to a glorious, expansive finale. Something Sibelius would later declare “a confession of the soul.”
MARIA GRENFELL Gaudete Fanfare*
MAX RICHTER On the Nature of Daylight
SIBELIUS Symphony No.2
*Maria Grenfell's Gaudete Fanfare was made possible through the Sydney Symphony Orchestra's 50 Fanfares Project and was commissioned by the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, supported by the Neilson Foundation.
The Sydney Symphony will continue to apply NSW Public Health Orders as they relate to ticketing and seating arrangements. As these Orders can change at very short notice, we will be allocating seats closer in time to concert dates than we have in previous seasons. This will allow us to maintain a COVID-19 safe environment.