Warwick K Anderson
Henri W Aram OAM & Robin Aram
Timothy Ball
Dr Rosemary Barnard
Stephen J Bell
Christine Bishop
Judith Bloxham
Peter Braithwaite & Gary Linnane
David & Halina Brett
R Burns
David Churches & Helen Rose
Howard & Maureen Connors
Ian Cull
Emeritus Professor John Daly & the late R. Neil Steffensen
Greta Davis
Glenys Fitzpatrick
Colleen Fogarty & John Colwell
Dr Stephen Freiberg
Vic & Katie French
Brian Galway
Geoffrey Greenwell
Pauline M Griffin AM
Louise Hamshere
Christine Hartgill & the late David Hartgill
Dr John Lam-Po-Tang
Ardelle Lohan
Mary McCarter
Dr V Jean McPherson
Louise Miller
James & Elsie Moore
Douglas Paisley
Beverley Price
Jane Purkiss
Kate Roberts
Dr Richard Spurway
Mary Vallentine AO
Ray Wilson OAM
June & Alan Woods Family Bequest
Dawn Worner & the late Graham Worner
The Sydney Symphony has gratefully received bequests from the following:
The Estate of Ross Adamson
The Estate of Douglas Vincent Agnew
The Estate of John Napier Aitken
The Estate of Betty Bennett
The Estate of Patricia Blau
The Estate of Ian Brady
The Estate of Dr Alison Margaret Burrell
The Estate of Ann Lesley Carter
The Estate of Carolyn Clampett
The Estate of Johnathan Earl William Clark
The Estate of Martha Danos
The Estate of Paul Louis de Leuil
The Estate of Roma Valeria Joy Ellis
The Estate of Colin J Enderby
The Estate of Dr Charles Frater
The Estate of Jennifer Phyllis Fulton
The Estate of Helen Gordon
The Estate of Stanley John Harvey
The Estate of Mrs E Herrman
The Estate of Isabelle Joseph
The Estate of Dr Lynn Joseph
The Estate of Matthew Krel
The Estate of Dr Barry Landa
The Estate of Elisabeth Lawrie
The Estate of Peter Lazar AM
The Estate of Daniel-Francois Jean Lemesle
The Estate of Ian Alfred Lindsay
The Estate of Lorraine Margaret McDermott
The Estate of Gordon Mills
The Estate of Helen MacDonnell Morgan
The Estate of Margaret Ouvrier
The Estate of Robin Potter
The Estate of Colin Fraser Price
The Estate of Alexander George Roche
The Estate of Greta C Ryan
The Estate of Foster Smart
The Estate of Elsie Margaret Smith
The Estate of Joyce Sproat
The Estate of Margaret L Tink
The Estate of Peter Weiss AO